Massage Services for Sydney's Eastern Suburbs
Ph: 0407 745 129

We offer a range of massage styles to suit your own personal requirements.

Please follow the links for more information

Remedial Massage
Remedial Massage is the most popular massage service we offer and all of our therapists are trained in Remedial Massage. Remedial Massage is used to target key areas of muscle soreness and tightness such as stiff necks or sore lower backs. The techniques used in Remedial Massage penetrate the deeper layers of muscle tissue, where areas of tightness are released giving you greater joint mobility and reduced pain levels in your body. The depth and intensity of treatments is tailored to your level of comfort and the goal of a Remedial Massage therapist is to reduce pain whilst facilitating relaxation.

Remedial massage can assist in ensuring the body is able to function at its optimum level, free of what can be debilitating muscular pain caused by day-to-day activities.


Swedish Massage
Swedish massage is a technique that is the basis of all Western forms of massage treatment. It can help maintain muscles in an optimum state of nutrition, flexibility and vitality whilst relieving muscle tightness and stiffness that may restrict full movement. The techniques used in Swedish massage are designed to have a relaxing effect. It is a rhythmic and fairly superficial style and while the muscles are not worked too vigorously, great benefits to the body can still be felt. Swedish massage can relieve fatigue, reduce tension, calm the nervous system and promote relaxation to give you a sense of renewed energy.

Stimulated circulation of both blood and lymph is achieved through Swedish massage. This can enable toxins to be flushed from the body and a healthier cellular environment is created. The increased blood circulation to the skin and muscles delivers vital nutrients, helping the skin and muscles to maintain optimum health.


Pregnancy Massage
During pregnancy, our bodies undergo such enormous changes and alterations that we may feel as though there is no end to the discomfort. Massage can help alleviate some of the extra pressure on our spines and legs using gentle, but effective massage techniques. This is a very special time for every mother and it is important to listen to your body and seek treatment where it's needed. Pregnancy massage allows us to feel nurtured and relaxed during this special time, with the added benefit of pain relief. Extra care is taken to protect the abdominal area and most treatment is directed to the upper body and limbs.


Post-natal Massage
Post-natal massage is such a wonderful treat for the new mother and is a time where she can just relax and be indulged. The trauma on the body during pregnancy and labour often leaves us feeling tight and tender in the lower back, shoulders and neck area. Added to this, the postural adjustments that the spine has to endure and the pressure on the upper body when feeding can result in poor posture and extra stress and strain on the muscles. Massage helps he muscles regain their original shape and tension, whilst assisting the body with removal of stress and toxins


Sports Massage
Sports massage incorporates deep tissue work and muscle stretching to enhance athletic performance and helps to prevent new or reoccurring injuries. Massage improves circulation, which speeds up the removal of waste products that can cause muscular soreness. It brings oxygen and nutrients to the muscles to aid in repair and regeneration.

The objective of Sports Massage is to assist in returning the athlete to their sport in the best possible condition, in the shortest possible time. Whether the injury is recent or a long standing problem, massage can help in rehabilitation to reduce the time for maximum recovery.

Non-sporting injuries can be dealt with in a comparable manner, with similar results.


Deep Tissue Massage
Deep Tissue Massage can provide a foundation for good health. This is achieved by realigning body segments whilst releasing chronic muscular stress and tension. It can be a very different style of massage when compared with the more usual Remedial massage. Deep Tissue massage aims to reshape the connective tissue that surrounds the muscles (whereas Remedial massage mainly concentrates on relieving the stresses within the muscles).

The process of Deep Tissue Massage aims to restructure the muscular system by re-positioning muscles, tendons and ligaments that may have become bunched and shortened. By realigning the body, habitual patterns of tension and stress accumulated by today's lifestyle may be released. In addition to improved posture, other benefits include pain relief, increased energy and an improved sense of relaxation and wellbeing.

Whilst a Deep Tissue massage is painless, it is possible to experience temporary intense sensations which generally stop when the pressure is relieved. The release afterwards can be a very pleasant and rewarding experience.


Trigger Point Massage Therapy
There is growing evidence that a lot of our most common aches and pains are actually caused by trigger points. Trigger points are known to cause headaches, neck and jaw pain, low back pain and some other kinds of joint pain which may be mistakenly ascribed to arthritis, tendonitis, etc.

So what is trigger point therapy and what are trigger points? Trigger points are small contraction knots in muscle tissue that affects the muscle by keeping it both tight and weak. At the same time, a trigger point maintains a hard contraction on the muscle fibres that are directly connected to it. In turn, these taut bands of muscle fibre keep constant tension on the muscle's attachments, often producing symptoms in adjacent joints.

The resulting accumulation of waste products as well as deprivation of oxygen and nutrients, can perpetuate trigger points for months or even years unless some intervention occurs. Trigger points can exist in two states, either active or latent. Active trigger points are those which cause discomfort. Latent trigger points wait silently in the muscle for a future stress to activate them. Aches and pains which began in the past become more frequent and severe in intensity as we age.

The difficulty in treating trigger points is that they typically send pain to some other part of the body. Most conventional treatment of pain is based on the assumption that the cause of pain will be found at the site of pain. But trigger points almost always send their pain elsewhere! Luckily, referred pain is now known to occur in predictable patterns so once your therapist knows where to look, trigger points can be located and deactivated.

The downside of trigger point massage is that it is not necessarily a relaxing technique. It requires the participation of the client to communicate the presence and intensity of pain and discomfort. The therapist and client work together as a team to maximize the effectiveness of the treatment. However, it is common to find great improvement after one treatment. Repeated treatment may be necessary for those with chronic trigger points. Stretching should be done as "home work" to encourage the muscles that have been treated to stay in a lengthened position.


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